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Cascais Municipality has, over the years, subsidised work by researchers and scholars on subjects of historical interest relating to the Municipality and many fascinating books have been produced as a result. We were recently pleased to receive a donation of three such books from the Câmara Municipal, for which we are most grateful. They are:


  • O Solar do Morgado da Alagoa by Mário Eurico Lisboa. This provides a history of the property belonging to the illustrious Cruz-Alagoa-Sobral families that was later to become famous as the Quinta Sao Antonio / Quinta Nova, the location of St Julian's School in Carcavelos;
  • A Estaçao do Cabo Submarino de Carcavelos – Uma presencia Inglesa – Vivencias e Evoluçoes by Mário Eurico Lisboa. This discusses the history of the Deep-Sea Cable Station in Carcavelos; and
  • O Vinho de Carcavelos, by Estrela Carvalho, Sara Canas, and Mário Eurico Lisboa. This wine, produced at the Quinta do Marquês de Pombal at Oeiras, was often served as an apéritif at the King's table. In recent years, BHSP members fortunate enough to attend the annual "Churchill Dinner" have been able to sample it.


These books are now available for consultation at the BHSP Library. Please keep checking the web site for more announcements about books donated to the library.


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