What We Do
We organise tailor-made tours for small groups of Members and Visiting Members to the major Peninsular War battlefield sites in Portugal and western Spain, particularly the Lines of Torres Vedras.
Our tours aren’t exclusively designed for the military enthusiast and include options to sample other aspects of Portugal’s rich culture.
In the case of the tailor-made tours, members are required to organise their own flights and travel insurance should they be travelling from overseas. The British Historical Society of Portugal possesses statutory insurance cover for the duration of the tour in Portugal.
Want a Specialised Tour?
- Planning to visit Portugal and want to add some culture to your holiday?
- You’re in Lisbon for a few days and would like to visit battlefield sites, but the rest of your party doesn’t want to?
- Have you ever held a Brown Bess musket in your own hands or stepped into a period 1810 billet?
- Would you like to ride on horseback from Wellington’s Headquarters up to the Great Redoubt?
Why we are different
- Our guides live in Portugal and are fluent in English and Portuguese.
- The British Historic Society has actively contributed to the promotion and conservation of Portugal's Peninsular War heritage for nearly 50 years.
- We adopt a flexible approach and can change the itinerary as the tour progresses to reflect individual preferences and can cater for a variety of cultural interests.
- We can adapt the itinerary as the tour progresses to reflect individual preferences and can split the group.
- The tours can last from half a day to over a week long.
- We introduce clients to the best of Portuguese food and wine.