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Presentation to our former Chairman, Clive Gilbert



Six Members of the British Historical Society attended an excellent event hosted by the Câmara of Vila Franca de Xira on the evening of 20 October to honour our former Chairman, Clive Gilbert MBE, who was given an award for the ‘Promotion and Divulgation’ of the Lines of Torres Vedras by ROTA (Rota Histórica das Linhas de Torres). Clive has worked tirelessly over many years to promote the preservation of the Lines and to raise their profile. There was a very good musical and theatrical interlude, based almost verbatim on the French Marshal Junot’s last will and testimant and his recollection of the first French invasion of Portugal.



Photos: Left: José Alberto Quintino, Mayor, Sobral de Monte Agraço & Chair of ROTA, Glive Gilbert, José António Felgueiras, Mafra Municipality.

Right: Maria João Martinho (Vila Franca de Xira), Marta Miranda (Mafra), Clive Gilbert, Sandra Oliveira (Sobral Monte Agraço), Natália Calvo (Loures), Marta Fortuna (Torres Vedras) e Telma Bento (Sobral Monte Agraço).



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