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M. S. Jayne



HA 7







Subject Matter:


Schools and Other Institutions



Readers of the earlier history of this school, which was published in the last report, will remember that after several removals and a final and more than usually unsatisfactory attempt to rent premises, the momentous decision was taken to buy and build.

At a meeting of the Committee on February 23rd, 1854, Mr. Roughton wase accordingly authorized to negotiate the purchase of a piece of land near the church in the Rua Saraiva de Carvalho, or as it was then known, the Rua Direita do Santa Isabel. The price was not to exceed 500$000, at the exchange of the day, roughly £100.

Far from declining in usefulness the school was now asked to meet the needs of a large influx of British workmen, who - says the Report for 1855 - had recently arrived to supplement the then scanty supply of skilled labour in the factories, and in the construction of the new roads and railways. These last may account for the presence in Portugal of Mr. Valentine, a Civil engineer, who was later of great assistence in advising on the building of the school.


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