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Porto branch - talk on 'The historical connection between Porto and Bristol’

BHSP Members & Non- members are welcome

Date and time: Thursday, 24th of November,2022, at 18.30.

Place: at the Oporto Cricket and Lawn Tennis Club, Rua do Campo Alegre 532, 4150-170 Porto, followed by an optional dinner.

Programme:  the next talk of the Porto branch will be by Peter Evens, on the role of the Bristol-Oporto Association (BOA), and the Associação Porto-Bristol (APB). The mission of the former is to “Build bridges between Bristol and Oporto, encouraging the whole community to embrace the culture, people and language of Porto and the Portuguese-speaking world”, while the latter is based in Porto. Now retired, Peter worked for the English shoe company C&J Clark for 35 years, including 10 years in Arouca, and a spell as factory manager. Bristol and Porto were "twinned" in 1984 and share many characteristics. Peter’s talk will be of interest to those interested in history and Porto alike.

Members and guests are welcome to stay on for dinner at the Club, for which a round table has been reserved.


Cost: the talk is free for Members, €5.00 for Non-members – payable on the day.


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Booking: please let Alan Dawber know whether you wish to attend the talk and/or dinner with name/s and e-mail/telephone number contacts to, or telephone or SMS to Alan on 966497183 by Tuesday 22nd November.


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