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100 years of two Crystal Palaces, London and Porto, 1851 to 1951



The final Porto Branch meeting of 2024 was held at the Oporto Cricket and Lawn Tennis Club at on Wednesday. 20th November. It fitted into a "British week" at the Club, with King Charles' birthday celebration on the 21st and the annual Christmas Bazaar (which raised over €8,000 for charity) on Saturday 23rd. 


The title of the illustrated talk was "100 years of two Crystal Palaces, London and Porto - 1851 to 1951". It was given jointly by Alan Dawber, branch organiser, who spoke about the Hyde Park/Sydenham structures, and Isabel Silva, who has a degree in Museology, whose presentation focused on the history of the 'Palácio de Cristal' Porto. In 2022 Isabel had led a BHSP group on a tour of the ‘Palácio’ gardens.


The talk was given to a full house, an attentive audience of just over 40. Isabel, who was struggling with sickness, was presented with a bouquet of tulips for her contribution, but was sadly too unwell to stay for the agreeable dinner, which 18 people signed up for. 


Thanks as always are due to Janice Bain, Maria Silva Martins and João Lago (who represents the Club staff), fo all their assistance.


This has been a full year of activities for the Porto Branch, with six illustrated talks and 2 outside visits, 8 sessions in all. It is reassuring to have seen attendance numbers and support grow considerably. Alan Dawber is retiring after 3 years of dedicated work, and we are now looking for a successor to run the Porto branch.




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