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The annual Lisbon Colloquium of Military History will take place from 9-12 November, virtually on Zoom. The theme of the meeting is the borders of Brazil. See the programme here.


Rui Moura, one of the Society’s members, will be giving two lectures – one about the role of cartography in defining Brazil's borders in Mato Grosso state in the 18th century and the other on the 18th century Portuguese Governor of Mato Grosso, Luís de Albuquerque. For those members who  are not entirely fluent in spoken Portuguese, the presentations include audio-visual content.


The details and Zoom links are as follows:



11 November

10.30 | Session IV

Rui Moura

A cartografia no apoio à ação diplomática na definição das fronteiras do Brasil no século XVIII


Access via:

Meeting ID: 863 6067 5211

Password: 861056


14.30 | Session V

Rui Moura

Luís de Albuquerque (1739-1797). "O mais ambicioso dos Governadores Portugueses”.


Access via:

Meeting ID: 835 3724 8888

Password: 017093