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H. V. Harby



HA 3







Subject Matter:


British Community and Family History



 Thomas Parr was born in London in the year 1719, and was the son of John Parr, a Leatherseller living in the Minories. He was educated at Christ's Hospital where he was admitted in 1727, being then eight years of age, and remained there until 1734 when in July of that year he was apprenticed to a Lisbon merchant by name of John Ayrey for the period of six years.

Of his subsequent activities little is known other than that he prospered sufficiently to become a partner in business with John Bulkeley and John Tonkin, both well known wealthy merchants in that city; he was also a member of the British Factory.

Parr acquired a considerable fortune, and, besides numerous other benefactions, stipulated in his will that the residue of his estate should go to the governors of Christ's Hospital  for the benefit of that institution wherein he had received his education and training. The residue of Parr's estate realised the sum of £12,559. and in appreciation of this gift of his it was decided that steps should be taken to commemorate it as shown in the following record:


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