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Rev. J.J. Crowley



HA 4







Subject Matter:


Middle-Ages and the Renaissance



 I contributed a few pages to the Second Annual Report and Review of the Historical Association, Lisbon Branch, on a description of a codex of the English Coronation Ceremony which had been found in Evora Library. The codex was from "the most illustrious and most Cristian Prince Henry VI, King of England and France and Lord of Ireland, to the most Serene Prince Afonso, illustrious King of Portugal", and gave the Use followed in the royal chapel. It was thought that this was the first notice of this very valuable codex ever printed, and that certainly nothing prior had been published in English.

Since then I have seen a reference in the old and only printed catalogue of the former Bibliotheca Publica e Arquivo Districtal de Evora; and also an article in a copy of a long defunct paper published in Coimbra, on the plain-song of the codex. But what was the greatest surprise came upon re-reading George Borrow's "The Bible in Spain".

In the third chapter Borrow tells us of his visit to Evora and speaks of his impressions of the library there. «Within the See, where the governor now resides, is a superb library, occupying an immense vaulted room, like the aisle of a cathedral ... I was shown several beautifully illuminated missals and other manuscripts; but the one which most arrested my attention, I need hardly say why, was that which bore the following title: "Forma sive ordinatio Capelli illustrissimi et xianissimi principis Henrici Sexti Regis Anglie et Francie ac dm Hibrenie descripta serenissiõ principi Alfonso Regi Portugalie illustri per humilem servitorem sm Willm. Sav. Decanu capelle supradicte".


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