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Miss E. M. Moore



HA 3







Subject Matter:


Schools and Other Institutions



It is possible that few of the present generation have heard of the above schools, or are aware that they did good work in assisting poor children to obtain a fair start with their primary education some fifty years ago, when educational facilities for the illiterate were far harder to find than is the case to-day. Mr Archibald Turner, an employee and eventually a partner in the firm of William Graham Junior and Co. bought certain quintas which had at one time been used as summer residences for the staff, and notably the estate known as Dos Alfinetes, in the vicinity of Chelas. Himself a convinced believer in the virtues of a sound foundation and touched by the illiteracy of the numbers of poor children whose parents worked in the neighbourhood, he converted two of the outbuildings of Dos Alfinetes into a school for boys. There were a couple of large rooms, one above the other, with a small house for the master alongside. A garden in front and a high surrounding wall completed the premises.


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