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Film presentation and commentary on Sir Winston Churchill’s visit to Madeira in January 1950

Date and time: Thursday, 13 April, 2023. 18.00 for 18.30.


Venue: ALA, Avenida Castelhana No. 13, Monte Estoril, 2765-419 Estoril. See here.


Programme:  Edward Godfrey, the Society’s chairman, will present a film produced by the History Channel in association with the Madeira Tourist Authority describing Sir Winston Churchill’s visit to the island of Madeira in January 1950. The film is in Portuguese but with newsreel footage and certain scenes in English.  Edward will give a short commentary on the film and the historical background. It is anticipated that the film and commentary, with interval, will last approximately one hour and a half.


Members are advised that there are extensive roadworks in the centre of Monte Estoril and along Avenida São Pedro. We recommend you to approach Avenida Castelhana from the top of Rua de Madrid.


Cost is admission is €5 per person. Light refreshments will be served before the film.


After the event, members and their guests can join BHSP Council members for dinner at the nearby Adega da Monte.



The event is for members and their guests. Please confirm your participation by email to by Monday 10th April. Payment will be at the door. Please also indicate whether you would like to join us for dinner at the Adega da Monte (at your own cost)


Please provide the following details:

NAME(S) ......................................................... PHONE/E-MAIL ..................................

DATE(S) OF BIRTH: ... / ... / ... ; ... / ... / ... (required for insurance purposes).



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